We woudn’t like our domain to expire, and having our domain bought by an ciberspeculator (also bad-known as “cibersquatters”), asking us 1.000$ for it, when it’s actually worth 20 (I’ve lived that situation with a personal domain name of myself).
It’s not a big deal, after all registrars always warn users in advance, giving you every chance for renewal (that’s their interest). But… what if the email address you configured that day, is not active any more? What if the new boss secretary mistake it with spam, and ignore it (real case)? What if the company is so big that no one knows who is reading that email address?
To make sure we are up-to-date with our domains, I’ve created a nagios plugin, named “check_domain”. It’s simple (if you look at the code, you’ll see there’s more lines parsing parameters than doing things ), but it covers our needs, and warns you when the domain name is near to expire.
In the full article (“read more”) you can see the code, and a downloadable file.
PROGPATH=echo $0 | /bin/sed -e 's,[\/][^\/][^\/]*$,,'
. $PROGPATH/utils.sh
# Default values (days):
# Parse arguments
args=getopt -o hd:w:c:P: --long help,domain:,warning:,critical:,path: -u -n $0 -- "$@"
[ $? != 0 ] && echo "$0: Could not parse arguments" && echo "Usage: $0 -h | -d
set -- $args
while true ; do
case "$1" in
-c|--critical) critical=$2;shift 2;;
-w|--warning) warning=$2;shift 2;;
-d|--domain) domain=$2;shift 2;;
-P|--path) whoispath=$2;shift 2;;
-h|--help) echo "check_domain - v1.01"
echo "Copyright (c) 2005 Tom�s N��ez Lirola
echo "This plugin checks the expiration date of a domain name."
echo ""
echo "Usage: $0 -h | -d
echo "NOTE: -d must be specified"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo "-h"
echo " Print detailed help"
echo "-d"
echo " Domain name to check"
echo "-w"
echo " Response time to result in warning status (days)"
echo "-c"
echo " Response time to result in critical status (days)"
echo ""
echo "This plugin will use whois service to get the expiration date for the domain name. "
echo "Example:"
echo " $0 -d domain.tld -w 30 -c 10"
echo ""
--) shift; break;;
*) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;;
[ -z $domain ] && echo "UNKNOWN - There is no domain name to check" && exit $STATE_UNKNOWN
# Looking for whois binary
if [ -z $whoispath ]; then
type whois &> /dev/null || error="yes"
[ ! -z $error ] && echo "UNKNOWN - Unable to find whois binary in your path. Is it installed? Please specify path." && exit $STATE_UNKNOWN
[ ! -x "$whoispath/whois" ] && echo "UNKNOWN - Unable to find whois binary, you specified an incorrect path" && exit $STATE_UNKNOWN
# Calculate days until expiration
expiration=whois $domain |grep "Expiration Date:"| awk -F"Date:" '{print $2}'|cut -f 1
expseconds=date +%s --date="$expiration"
nowseconds=date +%s
# Trigger alarms if applicable
[ -z "$expiration" ] && echo "UNKNOWN - Domain doesn't exist or no WHOIS server available." && exit $STATE_UNKNOWN
[ $expdays -lt 0 ] && echo "CRITICAL - Domain expired on $expiration" && exit $STATE_CRITICAL
[ $expdays -lt $critical ] && echo "CRITICAL - Domain will expire in $expdays days" && exit $STATE_CRITICAL
[ $expdays -lt $warning ]&& echo "WARNING - Domain will expire in $expdays days" && exit $STATE_WARNING
# No alarms? Ok, everything is right.
echo "OK - Domain will expire in $expdays days"
exit $STATE_OK