Problem using pstools for the first time: /accepteula

I’ve found that executing pstools directly from the console, without gui (in my case, using winexe ), it got stuck, sort of hung. Trying to connect via remote desktop to the server, and executing then by hand, it shows a window with an EULA, waiting for our “Ok, I agree”.

If this happens to you in a single server there is no problem, but if you planned using pstools in more than 50 server, it’s a PITA executing grafically one by one, all servers and all tools, to accept the EULA.

Neither the tools “help”, nor the official documentation shows any way to get rid of this. But in a website (that I’ve lost, so I can’t credit them accordingly, sorry) I’ve found an undocumented feature: /accepteula

Just add this parameter to your scripts, and accepting EULA won’t give you any more problems. For instance:

winexe -U HOME/Administrator%Pass123 //host "d:scriptspstoolspslist.exe /accepteula"

This way you can make a ps in any server without worrying if it’s the first time you use pslist or not.



I'll make something up